Mohsin Durrani
1 min readApr 20, 2024

Working voluntarily for NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) and INGOs (International Non-Governmental Organizations) is often driven by a deep passion for serving humanity rather than financial gain.

Choosing to work voluntarily for NGOs and INGOs is a decision rooted in passion for making a positive impact on society. Unlike traditional professions driven by monetary rewards, the motivation here lies in serving humanity, advocating for causes, and bringing about meaningful change in communities.

Volunteering for non-profit organizations allows individuals to directly impact the lives of those in need. Whether it’s providing education, healthcare, or environmental conservation, every effort contributes to the betterment of society. The intrinsic satisfaction gained from serving humanity often outweighs any material benefits.

While volunteering enriches one’s personal growth and sense of fulfillment, it may not always align with career advancement in traditional fields. Employers may not fully recognize or value volunteer experience, potentially posing challenges in professional progression or job transitions.



Mohsin Durrani

Marketing & Sales Specialist with almost 23years of experience in OHM, Print Media & Electronic Media. Passion is to serve Humanity.