Mohsin Durrani
2 min readFeb 19, 2019

The media surrounds us; from the shows we watch on television and the music we listen to on the radio, to the books, magazines and newspapers we read each day. Without the media, we, the people in society, would be cut off from the rest of the world. The flow of information is important for the expansion of communities and the media aids this.
The role of traditional media has changed dramatically in the age of the internet-driven, 24-hour news cycle and the proliferation of social media. Today, the term “media” is used and abused, and it can mean different things to different people. Media plays the role of a gatekeeper, scorekeeper, and a watchdog. The media as a gatekeeper simply means that the elites who control a particular news entity decide what gets on the air or in a newspaper.
TV plays a very important role in the building of a society. TV has changed the societies of world so much that we can’t ignore its importance. If media did what it was intended for, it will be a great force in building the nation but, at present, media has become a money making sector. Instead of giving important information and educational programs, all there is on television, is sensational depictions of new stories their only goal is to get television rating points.
Although there are some positive effects of TV on people, there are also many negative effects of TV on children. For example, respect for life, bad influence on children and hurting celebrities intentionally. Since the birth of communication, media has been used to convey information to those willing to absorb it. TV is like a bridge between the governing bodies and general public. It is a powerful and flexible tool that influences the public to a great extent.
In today’s world, media has become almost as necessary as food. Media is a mirror of society and plays an outstanding role in strengthening it. The media put the lives of its workers in danger during attacks or natural disasters to keep us up to date. It is partially due to the media that awareness of many problems is spreading in the society
TV is the voice of the voiceless and a great force in building the nation. However, with its fast-moving, visually interesting, highly entertaining style, it commands many people’s attention for several hours each day. Studies have shown that television competes with other sources of human interaction such as family, friends and school in helping young people develop values and form ideas about the world around them. It also influences viewers’ attitudes and beliefs about themselves, as well as about people from other social, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds



Mohsin Durrani
Mohsin Durrani

Written by Mohsin Durrani

Marketing & Sales Specialist with almost 23years of experience in OHM, Print Media & Electronic Media. Passion is to serve Humanity.

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